41 2024.10.26 2024.10.31 2024.10.31 article M. Ljubičić (Amenoum)108. brigade ZNG 43, 35252 Sibinj, Croatia (amenoum.org)mljubicic99{EAT}gmail.com Log of some interesting personal synchronicity. computer science subconsciousness, synchronicity, precognition /authors/Amenoum.html#credits 0 Log of interesting personal synchronicity events Abstract Some interesting personal synchronicity events. Introduction For years now, I'm experiencing synchronicity daily or almost daily. I'm so used to it that I usually don't give it much attention. Sometimes, however, these events can be more interesting, so I have decided to log at least some of such events. I have also noticed that increasingly my wishes are coming true (although this may be limited to some type of wishes). I do not think my wishes are coming true because I'm wishing them (there is no strong causality here). I think I just tend to wish for things that are bound to become true sometime in the future (I'm coded that way). This is correlated with effective precognition, which is correlated with subconsciousness. And subconsciousness highly correlates with synchronicity. These wishes then tend to be correlated with synchronicity as well. I have been overwhelmed with synchronicity some 6-7 years ago (about the year 2018) during transformation of consciousness. I have experienced a lot of interesting synchronicity events during that time but these will not be described here simply because I haven't logged them at the time and I don't feel like going there. After all, one tends to forget certain details surrounding the cases of strong transformational events. My mind was in a different state back then and it's hard to describe the whole experience in general. But even in general cases of synchronicity, one tends to forget the specific cases as one gets used to the phenomenon. It's like trying to remember what kind of clouds were present some time ago, after being used to seeing clouds every day. If this past experience of clouds was not logged, it's highly unlikely for one to remember any details, one can only know the clouds were there. Similar is the case with synchronicity or any phenomenon one gets used to experiencing. The log here covers events from year 2023 onward. The log 2023.03.11: Synchronicity in collapse The numbers I see most often in synchronicity events are 22, 23, then 33, followed by 43 (sorted by probability of occurrence, from highest to lowest). This is one of somewhat higher intensity. Just watched a documentary called "Collapse - based on the book by Jared Diamond" (2010). At some point during the movie I look at the clock (the last time I looked at the clock was hours ago), the clock was showing "23:22", I look back at the TV and it's showing a bunch of signs in a row with number 23 on them (it looked like a train station). The movie ends and the length of the movie shown at the player's bottom catches my eye. It was 1:33:33. I close the player and I'm in Windows Explorer which is set up to show the details by default so it shows the modification date of files along with the name, type and size. It shows 2010.11.23 3:33 for the modification date of the movie filename (mkv). Today's date is 2023.03.11. It seems I often encounter number 11 together with 22 or 23. Should that be surprising? Number 22 is a multiple of 11 (as well as numbers 33 and 66 which are also on my list of frequently encountered numbers), while talking about clocks and time, 11 PM = 23 h. Note that it appears the movie file was modified on my son's birthday (he was born 2003.11.23). Later I check where in the movie the scene with number 23 occurs - it's exactly 4 minutes and 33 seconds before the end. I don't consider this some spectacular synchronicity (it's far from the strongest ones I have experienced) but for some reason, I thought it would be good to write it down. Perhaps because it's an interesting movie? While I'm mentioning the clock (it's a digital clock on a microwave), it might be worth noting that I'm witnessing increased synchronicity correlated with it. Every time I look at the clock I see at least one of the numbers 22, 23 or 33, less often 43. This wasn't rare before but it seems the probability to witness these numbers has increased. As lately I've been spending more time in the room where the clock is I am also watching at the clock more often than before which makes this even more impressive as one would not expect for probability to increase with that. 2023.06.23: Some like reading books, others like reading minds Yesterday I've been inspecting tomatoes I have planted and noticed some of them have curled leaves. I knew this phenomenon is usually correlated with water issues but I wanted to know more about it. Anyway, it wasn't a priority and I quickly forgot about it. However, later that day I visit YouTube and what do I see on the front page among the first few videos listed? "Tomato leaf curl - Causes and Solutions", of course. Note that I did not recently seek any information on tomatoes or leaf curl, on any device. I haven't even talked about it with anyone. I simply wished to know more and, through synchronicity, I've been given what I wanted. When synchronicity is correlated with one's wishes it obviously is very meaningful and can be very useful. This is a big improvement on simply seeing the same numbers repeatedly (which can have deeper meaning but interpretation is hardly ever unambiguous). Note that I wished for synchronicity to become something more than numbers so that's another wish becoming true... I've experienced this kind of synchronicity before, but the frequency seems to be increasing. Another example are Google searches. Very often, when I go to search something on Google, the first suggestion, as a start to type, is exactly what I wanted to look for. In example, let's say I want to search for 'Tomato leaf curl' and before I finish writing 'Tomato' I get 'Tomato leaf curl' as the first suggestion in the list - exactly what I wanted to type. Again, I'm aware that this kind of things on Google is usually a result of tracking and information collecting across various devices but that simply cannot be the case here. This actually looks like Google (software, algorithm or whatever you call it) is actually reading my mind. Of course, that's not the case. This is simply good old synchronicity, but it is the effect that matters and effectively, computers are reading my mind lately. Nice. I believe this is all happening to me because I am not polarized anymore (I did not experience any synchronicity - let alone materializing wishes, before transformation of consciousness) and because I am determined to live in symbiosis with god Earth. I still don't know if god is helping me consciously or subconsciously (I have previously correlated synchronicity with subconsciousness though). Perhaps this rise in meaningfulness of synchronicity is proportional to rise of god's consciousness and/or subconsciousness, and/or perhaps transformation from subconscious to conscious operation? If that is so, will my bigger wishes (those that require more energy) soon start becoming true as well? If one wants to live in symbiosis with god one obviously needs to stop harming god, directly and indirectly. Either way, one can't escape suffering and the more one delays this the more one will suffer. I am still suffering. Love for god is a cure to this suffering, a cure that works in mysterious ways, but I know I will be healed. I know, because I wished for it. In any case, I really like reading books, but I also often feel like someone's reading my mind with similar enthusiasm. 2024.08.07: Synchronicity anagrams Numerous times I have caught my subconscious playing with future. There's something about anagrams and future. I do not know if this is the case generally, but my subconscious seems to like to use anagrams to communicate future to me. In example, sometimes I make a mistake when writing certain word in a sentence and the mistake produces another valid word, usually an anagram of the word I wanted to write. In a lot of such cases, these unintended words were highly correlated with a future event. Usually these are near future events, but some seem to be correlated with more distant future. Today, however, I've encountered a synchronicity anagram doing something different. I've been watching some video about correlation between people's faces and names. In my mind I start doing anagrams of my given name (Mario) for some reason (there was nothing about anagrams in the video). For some reason I stop at the word Moira. I rarely play computer games, however, for some reason, about 5 minutes later I decide to try a computer game "The Ritual on Weylyn Island". The game starts with "Your name is Moira Weylyn...". Apparently Weylyn is an old Celtic name, meaning "son of the wolf". Not sure if that's of any relevance here. 2024.10.09: Mushrooms are the future On 2022.10.31 I went searching for some Macrolepiota mushrooms in the nearby forest (or what's left of it), but I didn't find any. The next day I encounter this mushroom on my land, under the old oak near my future house. Wish fulfilled. Note that this was the first time I've encountered this mushroom here. There's no forest here (yet.. I'm working on it), and the oak is pretty isolated from other big trees. This mushroom usually grows in the forest near places somewhat exposed to sunlight. Of course, it would probably not be unusual for the spores of this mushroom to end up here (even I may have introduced them unconsciously myself years ago when I used to go foraging for mushrooms regularly) but still, it wasn't growing here before. Exactly one year later, on 2023.10.31, I've encountered 3 Macrolepiota mushrooms in the same place, and 3 more about 2 weeks later. Today I've encountered 8 of them, 12 total this year (2024) so far. I'm encountering other edible mushrooms here now as well. This is something I really wished to have, I just thought it will require more of conscious activity from my part. Nice that it doesn't. 2024.10.26: Wallpaper to wish for My desktop wallpaper is set to change automatically every 3 hours, when an image out of 770 images total is chosen at random as a new wallpaper. Earlier today an image was chosen that I particularly liked. I liked it so much that when the wallpaper was changed I wished the image would be back. Sure enough, after 3 hours, the image was back. Now, there are many images in the rotation that I like, but this was the first time I had such a wish. And it came true. Then I decided to test if this could go further. I wished for this image to be chosen again in the next rotation. It was not. What are the odds here for the original wish coming true? With 770 total images, the odds that the same image will appear immediately after another image is: $\displaystyle {769 \over 770} {1 \over 770} \approx {1 \over 771}$ These are the odds for this kind of image repetition in general, but what are the odds for the repetition of the image to occur at the same time I wished for it? That is a bit harder to compute but it certainly lowers the total odds significantly. There are more questions. Would the repetition occur if it wasn't synchronized with my wish, or, should vice versa be asked? But, perhaps most importantly, why did the wish fail to materialize the second time but not the first time? Well, there is a difference between the two wishes. The wishes are the same regarding the desired effect, but they were not executed the same way. The first time I made the wish, I did it without any kind of force involved. It was a background thought, more subconscious than a conscious one. There were no expectations and beliefs regarding the outcome. In the 2nd case, it was completely opposite, definitely conscious, and there were expectations/beliefs (I believed it's not gonna come true but I also tried to suppress that thought). This is another evidence that synchronicity highly correlates with subconsciousness. But is there a way for synchronicity to be entangled more directly with consciousness? That question is probably equivalent to the question of the ability of one to get rid of expectations and beliefs on the outcome, without the use of force. Increased probability of such correlation probably requires for one to genuinely get rid of expectations and [bias toward certain] beliefs in general. Is that possible? Well, it is not impossible. There are many wishes that I made fully conscious that came true, but I usually don't expect them to become true, even though with time I'm becoming less surprised with them becoming true. There is, however, a difference in synchronization. Subconscious wishes are more temporally synchronized with outcomes. In conscious ones, the period of time between the desire of an outcome and it's manifestation is too big to be interpreted as synchronicity. However, in both cases there is no causation, it's simply the entanglement of past and future. In any case, the wish most likely to become true probably should not involve any timestamp as that indicates force. What will be will be, when it happens it happens. 2024.10.30: Conscious synchronicity It's funny. Only a few days ago I was talking how synchronicity events correlated with subconscious are more temporally synchronized than those associated with conscious action. But then right about the same time I started experiencing temporally well synchronized synchronicity involving conscious action. These days, every time I look at the clock, the numbers I see are almost always 22, 23, 33, or 43 (in about 9 out of 10 cases). I am experiencing this kind of synchronicity daily, however, previously, this was limited almost exclusively to subconscious looks at the clock. Now, however, even conscious looks produce the same result regularly. It's now tempting to think that I have been trained to look at the clock specifically at these times, however, I am encountering these numbers elsewhere, where the event cannot be explained through any kind of training. Besides, changes in frequency of synchronicity seem to be invariant to the type of the event and there have been some changes recently. Therefore, the clock synchronicity cannot be explained exclusively by training, although training could be involved to some extent, at least in case of the conscious looks. Note, that, although conscious, these are still relatively random looks at the clock - I am not forcefully, or at least not consciously, trying to limit the looks at the clock to specific intervals in order to synchronize the event with specific numbers. I am, however, always glad to see these numbers. Although I'm used to them, it's hard for me not to like them. As I've mentioned elsewhere, among other things, all these numbers are correlated with the years of experienced transformational events which I certainly am glad I've experienced. It could be said that I wish to encounter these numbers (as these kind of events are making my days on this planet feel easier to bear), so it could also be said that my wishes are being fulfilled here as well. This is not the first time, however, that I write about something and then something highly correlated but unordinary, or extraordinary, happens right about the same time. In this case, this synchronicity was synchronized with another synchronicity, which can be interpreted as increased intensity of synchronicity. From my experience, increase in frequency of synchronicity is commonly coupled with the increase in intensity.