You are an living ecosystem. You body contains 10 times more microbes than its own cells and your body cannot function without them. This does not include only good bacteria but bad ones
too. Even pathogens - we all got them, they
just do not cause disease in healthy individuals.
Most of the food you think you eat is actually eaten or processed by your gut flora first, your body simply cannot use the food without it being previously processed by these microbes.
For a healthy immune system, it is important to maintain a diverse eco-system.
All the microbes living on you and inside you have a function. If you sterilize your gut you'd starve. It is illogical to believe that sterilizing your skin or any other part of your body will
have no consequences.
Your skin is porous and it will absorb smaller molecules.
To wash your skin and remain healthy, use only water - your skin and your microbes don't need anything else. And if you use only water to wash your skin, you skin will not be absorbing toxic
chemicals, so you will stink less and you won't need to wash so often, or use perfumes to mask bad smell - although, to me, industrial perfumes don't smell good at all, they stink.
In any case, you should avoid substances that sterilize your skin - removing the thin protective dirt layer and all microbes residing in it. It is much better to wash yourself with water that has
dirt in it than washing yourself with industrial soaps and shower gels.
If you use only water to wash your hair, it will still be oily. This is not so bad for hair (it's probably good in small amounts) but you might not feel good if it feels greasy.
But there are couple of ways to avoid greasy hear and remain healthy.
Using urine
While I wouldn't recommend drinking it to satisfy thirst, washing hair with urine is much healthier than using industrial shampoos. The simplest procedure is to soak your hair in urine and
massage it a bit (the same way you do with shampoos), let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off with water.
You can find a list of benefits and more details on the web.
Using ash
Ash is alkaline and it dilutes oily substances.
Collect some ash (from burning firewood or charcoal) in a bucket, then fill it with water.
Leave overnight (one to two days) for the ashes to settle at the bottom. You can then use that water (filter it with cotton cloth if necessary) to wash your hair the same way as you would
use a shampoo. It may even produce foam as shampoo does.
You can also use this to wash your clothes, apparently, it acts as a fabric
softener too.
for a fabric softener is alcoholic vinegar. It's not only good for cleaning and softening your clothes, but will also keep your washing machine (if you use one) clean - free from mould, dirt and
deposits of hard water such as calcium carbonate (CaCo
3) scale.
Added chapter Thickening the shampoo.
Thickening the solution
Solution produced from ash may be good but it won't feel like shampoo, it's as viscous as plain water and some might see that as a problem. Fortunately, there are natural thickeners that can be
used to make it feel better.
Adding salt might help (in the amount of 2% shampoo content, but not more, as some sources claim) but it won't help much.
For real thickening, xanthan gum (produced by fermentation of glucose and sucrose), Okra (Abelmoschus
esculentus) powder or Aloe Vera gel may be used.
Okra powder
Slice okra pod into smaller pieces and thoroughly dry. Grind into a powder (you can use a coffee grinder) and mix with your solution to make a shampoo.
Aloe Vera gel
Slice the plant leaves to extract gel. Mix it in a blender.
Another alternative may be the locust bean gum or carob gum (guma sjemenke rogača), which has affinity for hair and positive influence with its coating and protective effect, although
some also claim it's high molecular weight has undesirable effects in cosmetics (however, this
can be resolved with hydrolysis of the gum). The production is more complicated though.
First, the skin is removed from seeds by acid or heat (thermo-mechanical) treatment. De-skinned seed is then split and gently milled.
The germ and endosperm are further separated by sieving. The endosperm can then be milled (eg. by roller operation) to produce the final gum powder.
Alternatively, the gum can be extracted from the seeds with water (dissolving seeds by heating), precipitated with alcohol, filtered, dried and milled, to give a very pure "clarified" locust bean gum.
To achieve optimal solubilisation, water with added gum should be heated to ≈85° C. Viscosity of the shampoo will depend on the concentration of gum - more gum, more thickening.
Wild animals do not need to spend much time cleaning teeth because they spend a lot of time chewing food rich in
fiber. Chewing sticks, barks and grass after big meals helps too. But, most importantly, they do not eat cooked food, overall - they don't consume food and drinks rich in refined sugar.
How often do you need to brush teeth will depend on genetic factors and how good you are with your microbiome.
Industrial toothpaste is
definitely not the best solution to use to clean your teeth, it is even likely to be harmful, especially if it is sterilizing your teeth and mouth.
You can simply brush your teeth using toothbrush only (with or without water), but if you need something more, you can mix one of the following ingredients with water to brush your
teeth with: baking soda, coconut oil, sea salt, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide (not recommended if you have artificial fillings) and natural soaps.
Just rinse your mouth afterwards, like you would do after using toothpaste.
Chewing something natural after a meal or eating fruit (eg. an apple), like other animals do, helps too, and can be a good alternative, if not better, than brushing.
It is also good to know that mouths are not made primarily for talk, rather as entrance for food. Some might disagree with that, but the fact is - exposure of teeth to air is accelerating decay
and may introduce
other problems. While it may have some benefits during development, opening of mouth in adult animals is generally correlated with feeding, not with long conversations.
So if you sterilize your teeth and talk much, you're not only depriving your microbes from food, you are cheating those expecting food when they sense open mouth.
Added chapter Dental plaque
Dental plaque
Dental plaque
is the community of microorganisms found on a tooth surface as a biofilm, embedded in a matrix of polymers of host and bacterial origin.
You have probably been taught that it is inherently bad and should be removed.
However, plaque is natural and contributes (like the resident microflora of all other sites in the
body) to the normal development of the physiology and defenses of the host.
Thus, it is not inherently bad, even if may often become bad at some point for general (polarized) population.
My theory is - they become bad because you use sterilizing toothpaste. Toothpaste cannot remove plaque, but if you remove all food from teeth then these microbes have nothing to eat, so they
start eating what's available - ie. your gums (after all, they are made of meat).
This is equal to starvation - if you don't eat food, your organism (eco-system) will start burning your fat reserves, but when it runs out of these [and you die], microbes will start eating your
body (it's called body decay).
Even if it doesn't remove all microbes, toothpaste removes a lot of their comrades, so your microbes might not be happy about that either.
Even if not consciously, you are communicating with your microbes through your actions. When you use toothpaste you're saying to plaque microbes - hey, I just died, you're welcome to
eat me.
Therefor, leave some food for them - not too much (if you are afraid they might become greedy), but not too little either (if you are afraid they might eat you).
As I have stated elsewhere, how healthy your microbiome is for you generally reflects how healthy you are for your host (Earth). If you are an aggressive meat-eater you shouldn't be surprised
your microbes are too.
Your health depends on your character much more than what you eat, although these matters are generally correlated.
Teeth problems in general
Humans essentially didn't have teeth problems until about 10,000 years ago when they transitioned from hunter-gatherers to farmers. The key thus, to teeth health (and body health in general) is
in the diet and lifestyle (correlates with diet). Proper diet is much more important than teeth cleaning. And a healthy diet is a diverse diet, preferentially devoid
of processed food, like processed flour and sugar. In general, diet should lack food dominated by disease-associated microbes. Modern diet is dominated by such food. Diverse microbiome is what
will keep teeth strong and healthy. Thus, sterilization of teeth with modern toothpaste obviously also contributes to the problem. It may help in the short-term, but it makes the teeth weaker and
more prone to disease in the long-term. Diet should not be based solely on taste - modern food may be delicious, which will excite your brain, but it's a sore party for your teeth and gum. That does
not mean one should avoid delicious food, but one should at least balance it with healthy food. Medicines usually don't taste good. Chances are that your garden is full of non-tasty but edible
perennial wild plants. You don't have to eat them (although it's recommended), if the goal is to keep your teeth healthy, you only have to chew them for a while (raw preferably, and don't avoid the bitter
ones), so you get that boost of microbial diversity in your mouth. Studies show that even farmers can have healthy teeth, and the
key seems to be in the inclusion of weeds in the diet.
Industry has taught you that you need to fight for your health. And do so constantly, using industrial products. This is a lie, especially if you are interested in long-term health.
If you are interested in long-term reliance on your eco-system to keep you healthy (generally achievable over generations) - aim to decrease the frequency of conscious physical care for
your body and externally provided help overall. And do not sterilize your living environment either.
During strong evolution, this may bring benefits even during current incarnation (due to accelerated evolution, current incarnation may effectively span multiple generations).
It's a matter of choice - do I trust my microbiome to keep me healthy or pharmaceutical industry to keep me alive (not healthy) so they can profit from me?
The more you trust pharmacy the less you show trust in your microbiome (the more you harm it) and the less it will trust you, so it will treat you just like a pharmaceutical industry treats
you - as a resource, not someone to live with in symbiosis.